Search results for "Clinical" (32 results found)

Integration of Dynamic Documentation Knowledge Services into Siemens Framework

This project is carried out in collaboration with the Clinical Knowledge Management Research Team at Manchester. The team, originated by Professor Alan Rector, has a thirty-year history of leading innovations in clinical user interfaces, development of health terminology/ontologies, and medial records. The Clinical Knowledge Management Research Team and Siemens Medical…

Named-entity recognition and term mining

Recognizing terms and named entities in research articles and mapping them to unique identifiers is an important first step in most text mining software. This is a challenging task because of ambiguity and variation in how entities and concepts are named and used in particular in the biological literature. Our…


gnTEAM provides traninig in topics related to text mining for undergraduate (BSc final year projects) and postgraudate students (MSc, MPhil, PhD and EngD projects). Final year undergraduate and MSc projects associated with the team are announced annually as part of the School of Computer Science taught programmes. The currentĀ research post-graduate…


Our research projects are focused on developing techniques for large-scale extraction and management of un- and semi-structured textual resources. We focus on: Health-related information synthesis Synthesis of information from unstructured electronic health-care records, patient narratives and literature to support clinical decision support please doing paper for me Clinical documentation, text…