Search results for "Conditional Random Fields" (7 results found)


About CliNER CliNER is a command line tool for identification of mentions of four categories of clinically relevant events: Problems, Tests, Treatments and Clinical Departments. It also recognises and normalises clinical temporal expressions. It was developed as part of the i2b2 2012 text mining challenge and therefore has been trained…

Good Results in BioNLP 2009 Challenge

Our TEAM took part in the BioNLP 2009 Shared task on Event Extraction, organised by the Genia group. The main aim of the challenge was the extraction of bio-events from the literature, focusing particularly on molecular events involving proteins and genes. The shared task was designed to address a semantically rich information extraction…

Good Results in BioNLP 2009 Challenge

Our TEAM took part in the BioNLP 2009 Shared task on Event Extraction, organised by the Genia group. The main aim of the challenge was the extraction of bio-events from the literature, focusing particularly on molecular events involving proteins and genes. The shared task was designed to address a semantically rich information extraction…