Papers on mining free-text police reports on domestic violence
New papers Automatic Extraction of Mental Health Disorders From Domestic Violence Police Narratives: Text Mining Study Automated Analysis of Domestic Violence Police Reports to Explore Abuse Types and Victim Injuries: Text Mining Study
Mining free-text patient feedback comments As part of the NIHR-funded project Developing and Enhancing the Usefulness of Patient Experience and Narrative Data (DEPEaND), we have developed a text mining software to analyse themes and sentiment expressed in free-text patient service feedback comments (e.g. Family and Friends Test). The topic-specific opinion…
Dr Mercedes Arguello Casteleiro
Temporal expression extraction with extensive feature type selection and a posteriori label adjustment
About CliNER CliNER is a command line tool for identification of mentions of four categories of clinically relevant events: Problems, Tests, Treatments and Clinical Departments. It also recognises and normalises clinical temporal expressions. It was developed as part of the i2b2 2012 text mining challenge and therefore has been trained…