Search results for "Biology" (19 results found)

Mining term associations and events from bio-literature

This is a long-term project that aims at developing text mining methods that can provide efficient and sophisticated knowledge acquisition, offer plausible hypotheses for testing, prevent unnecessary repetition of previous work, and help in experimental design for specific research scenarios. We investigate various text mining approaches to establishing literature-based associations…

Prof David Robertson

My research is primarily focussed on computational biology and molecular evolution. Evolution is what explains life and its many forms, and so its study is of central importance in biological research. Molecular evolution is the study of evolution at the molecular level from genes to genomes to systems biology, while…

Dr Chengkun Wu

I am currently a PhD student in Doctoral Training Centre in Integrative Systems Biology at the University of Manchester. I’m now working on the text mining and logical modelling for systems biology.

Prof Robert Stevens

I am a professor of computer science in the Bio-Health Informatics Group in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. I have a B.Sc. in biochemistry; an M.Sc. in biological Computation; and a D.Phil. in Computer Science: A blend of Biology and Computer Science, that I use within my…