TEAM training


gnTEAM provides traninig in topics related to text mining for undergraduate (BSc final year projects) and postgraudate students (MSc, MPhil, PhD and EngD projects).

Final year undergraduate and MSc projects associated with the team are announced annually as part of the School of Computer Science taught programmes (see final year projects and MSc projects ).

The current research post-graduate themes include:

More specific post-graduate information is available here . For PhD funding opportunities see here .


Selected completed student projects


Student-name Project name Year
E. Hein EDViC: a web application to visualise and explore epidemiological literature (BSc project) 2013
T. Patel Analysing Twitter Posts to Discover and Review New Software Tools (BSc project) 2012
B. Dumitru Mining twitter data to gather information about pharmaceutical drugs (BSc project) 2012
I. Townend Mapping of Clinical Data between Heterogeneous Terminologies and Classifications (MSc project) 2011
S. Asif An Analysis of Financial Blogs and Forums (MSc project) 2010
A. Dehghan A Rule-based Approach to External Context Extraction from Biomedical Literature: URL and Role Extraction (MSc project) 2010
A. Tsoutsoumpi A question answering system from FAQ pages (MSc project) 2010
D. Yang Extending Areca with Remote Backup Features (BSc project) 2010
S. Latif "Automatic Summarisation As Pre-Processing For Document Clustering" (PhD project) 2010
M. Greenwood "Prioritising links for Topic-focused Web Crawling using Lexical and Terminological Profiling" (MPhil project) 2009
H. Afzal "A Literature-Based Framework for Semantic Descriptions of E-Science Resources" (PhD project) 2009